Mauric multimission 450 6
  • Vessel type

    Multi-Purpose Vessel

  • Loa

    45.1 m

  • Max Speed

    13 kts (Diesel)

  • Cruising speed

    6 kts (Electric)

  • Endurance

    1650 nm @ 13 kts (Diesel)

  • Crew

    20 + 10

MULTI-MISSION 450 is a 45m steel vessel is truly multi-purpose, multi-role vessel designed for a variety of missions from Buoy-laying, hydrographic surveys, pilot transfers, assistance to vessels in distress, firefighting....
This Sea-Proven design is operated by VLOOT authorities in Ostend area (Belgium) and her highly innovative semi-SWATH hull form is optimized for both fuel efficiency and seakeeping performances at low speeds.
Her hybrid propulsion configuration ensures optimal propulsion efficiency over a large range of speeds. Her high level of integration of survey equipment and deck equipment allows safe and efficient operations by a limited crew even in harsh environment.
This sea-proven and highly flexible design offers great operability, versatility and reliability to its shipowners.