MAURIC Pilot Boats are designed for fast pilot transfer companies operating in coastal and harbour areas. Thanks to its long-standing experience on the Pilot boat, Crew boat and SAR boat markets, MAURIC Pilot boats are optimised for improving safety of Pilots and Crew during transfer operations. The know-how of MAURIC is particularly focused on hull performances in waves and manoeuvrability capabilities. They are also well strengthened in order to withstand heavy seas and bump against large vessels, allowing these boats to be safely operated.

In France, MAURIC has been particularly in charge of designing the Pilot Boats of Marseille Harbour (Pilotes de Marseille) for many years. MAURIC Pilot boats are designed and built in Aluminium or GRP, depending of owner’s requirements. They are equipped with large fenders, in order to protect their hulls from damage due to the frequent bumps against large and steel vessels. 

Pilot boat 165 photo 2 copyright pilotage de marseille fos

On the basis of its sea-proven designs, MAURIC proposes customized solutions with various type of speed, propulsion arrangement, engines, wheelhouse and living quarter arrangements with special focus on the ergonomics of the deck and 360deg vision for safety of operation.
When required, Pilot Boats can be proposed with self-righting and/or unsinkable capacities and can reach a speed of more than 25 knots.

MAURIC attaches a great importance to the fuel consumption efficiency and reduction of maintenance cost of its Pilot Boat designs. Particularly in this vessel’s range, MAURIC is also always searching for more efficient and innovative solutions such as hybrid propulsion or even full-electric boats, with the goal to provide eco-friendly and low emissions designs to the owners.