MAURIC is at the side of fishermen who braves the oceans for fishing, by providing safer, greener and more profitable Fishing Trawler designs. Because every and each fisherman has its own fishing technique, MAURIC offers customized design solutions for trawlers based on safe, stable and efficient hull forms for coastal fishing. Our sea-proven range of trawlers extends from 18m up to 24m, with various fish holds and crew capacity, bollard pull and max speed performances that can be adapted to the operational profile requested by our customers. For all our trawlers designs, the key design objective is the safety at sea for the fishermen that is obtained thanks to stable hull form and an optimization of the ergonomics of working deck in close cooperation with fishermen during design stage. To make the vessel profitable, constant effort is made with regards to fuel consumption optimization, which lead us to consider diesel electric propulsion configuration as for the Trawler 240 based on the results of ARPEGE Research and Development Project.

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Our fishing trawler designs benefit from the development studies made within the scope of ARPEGE project and include sea-proven innovations allowing making fishing safer, more sustainable and more profitable. Because fishing trawlers are more often polyvalent trawlers also able to perform fly shooting, our designs are flexible and can include several features allowing making them tailor-made to you needs. Our trawler design solutions include smart diesel-electric power architecture, optimized hull form and decision support tools dedicated to power demand minimization and fuel savings.

We include in our fishing trawler designs the concept of separating the living quarters and working areas in order to improve the living and working conditions of the fishermen, in particular by protecting the working spaces from the environment, the dangerous cables and trawls areas. We also optimize the arrangement of the sorting room and the fish hold on the same deck to facilitate the work of the fishermen. Special focus is also paid to maintaining the quality of the catch with liquid ice systems for instance. We only propose robust and proven technology at sea to ensure efficiency, operability and maintainability of MAURIC’s fishing trawlers.