Zero Emission Fishing Training Vessel

An innovative 20m Zero Emission, electro-hydrogen powered, fishing vessel resulting from a collaboration between Alternatives Energies, Chantier Naval Gatto, EODev and MAURIC companies.
A Research & Development project leading the hydrogen integration on board
An innovative first of class to offer a range of new ambitious hydrogen vessels
The Lycée Professionnel et Maritime de Bastia (maritime school) has been awarded winner in the call for projects France AgriMer 2021, and have been granted a 4M€ budget for a Zero Emission ship development and construction by the Plan France Relance 2030.
MAURIC is proud to have won the public tender launched by the Lycée Professionnel Maritime et Aquacole (LPMA) de Bastia and to collaborate with key actors of the hydrogen and the ecologic transition sectors such as Alternative Energies, Chantier Naval GATTO and EODev to offer the Zero Emission ship. This project also includes the possibility to replicate the hydrogen system to other kinds of vessel, offering the ability to spread this green and environmentally friendly way of propulsion.
Since she is electro-hydrogen powered, this ship will have a minimized environmental impact thanks to its zero-emission propulsion and energy production. Therefore, she will contribute to help the waters preservation in which the students are being taught and raise awareness around ecological issues.
This vessel was designed specifically to include capabilities for fishing training such as long line and seine techniques with MAURIC's expertise. She can host up to 12 students and 2 teachers (crew). Students from LPMA will be the first ones to be formed on this kind of vessel equiped with hydrogen fuel cells. Teachers will also need to learn new operation and maintenance techniques to get the most out of this Zero emission vessel. The design was thought in order for all parts of the boat to be accessible to multiple people at a time, to ensure smooth teaching.
A push towards the shift in propulsion energy
Energy transition is now a key topic of the maritime sector from academic institutions to industrial partners. Moreover, MAURIC has been seeking new ways to implement cleaner technologies in designs and this project is a step forward we are very proud of. This project will prove we can provide hydrogen latest technologies and adapted solutions to our partners and customers within their work field.
Process and steps
MAURIC and the consortium are already working on the design studies, since February 2022: External design and general arrangement plans, hull lines, ship performance calculations and detailed structure engineering but also fuel cell and hydrogen tanks integration, etc.
The construction of the hull mold started by the end of 2022 and the building of the vessel will start early january 2023. First trials and sailing are expected for beginning 2024!
A technology-enhanced design
With a length of 19 meters overall, it has been a challenge to be able to integrate all the necessary equipment for long lining and purse fishing with the halieutic research elements on the main deck with hydrogen tanks in the vicinity. Based on its previous R&D works, as MAURIC is working on hydrogen ships since 2011, the result is now an optimized ship with interesting space to encourage teaching and experiment.
The ship will be equipped with 2 hydrogen fuel cells of 70kW fed by 9 hydrogen tanks installed on the main deck completed by batteries set to offer up to 100 Nautic miles of autonomy. Hull shape as been optimized for speeds between 8 to 12 knots and that offers the ability to bring the 14 persons for daily trips of training.
Regarding the fishing tools, the ship will be equipped with removable winches and hoists for long line fishing and purse, also space is left at the ship aft to host a dinghy. Two fixed hydraulic cranes are completing the deck equipment. Hull is integrating a sonar for halieutic research. Every space has been thought as a class room, even the fuel cell and batteries room where students and teacher will be able to access the space standing all around !