Nave’va Fleet : the hybrid revolution

We are proud to present the Chjara Stella owned by NAVE'VA company, the first french-built hybrid vessel to operate in Corsica, France, a MAURIC design, a mayday marine electricity, and a delivery from CNB pro from Bordeaux, a Beneteau Group company.
Chjara Stell, innovative inside and outside
This vessel is not only innovative in its propulsion, it is also beautiful in its blue and white colours. She inaugurates a new style with her right bow, vertical lines, harmonious curves that match horizontality to verticality. An undeniable aesthetic success that differ from classicism style towards a young and original design, highlighting an original hybrid propulsion configuration.
The Chjara Stella has parallel hybrid propulsion, which can operate either in ZE (zero emission) mode at low speed, or in diesel mode at high speed. In ZE mode, the vessel is propelled by 2 electric motors powered by a 120 kWh battery pack. These lithium batteries are managed by an intelligent power management system, and surrounded by safety systems that have been approved by Bureau Veritas and French Maritime Authorities. The ship reaches 8 knots in this mode in a silence that disturbs only the whistling of water on the hull! This mode is used for boat rides in the Scandola reserve. The batteries are recharged, either by an electric power supply at quay or by a diesel-generator. In diesel mode, it exceeds 20 knots thanks to 2 relatively noiseless MAN engines.
Chjara Stella can carry up to 138 people in the 4th category, divided in two parts, at the upper deck and on the main deck.
Hybrid Ships, a real commitment for MAURIC
The return of the passengers on this hybrid ship is simply excellent, as evidenced by many testimonials, which highlights the quality and professionalism of the NAVE’VA company. Actually, a good boat can’t go without a good shipowner!
A great success that confirms MAURIC's commitment and leadership in hybrid vessels! Indeed, Chjara Stella comes to join Helios, another hybrid-parallel vessel operating in Marseille and Cassis creeks since 2012, but also Eco Batobus Toulon, Estello and Longo Mai, two hybrid-serie vessels in service in Toulon bay for more than 3 years. NAVE’VA, enthusiastic about this first delivery decided to buy a sistership from CNB. The ANDREA LINDA MARIA will join the fleet next summer allowing more public to discover the jewels of Corsica Coast line and to enjoy boat rides and cruises in silence and eco-responsibly. For MAURIC, the commitments of COP 21 Paris Agreement are already a reality.