The second Fireboat of Marseille has been delivered!

After the commissioning of the first Fireboat “Capitaine de corvette Paul Brutus” in May 2018, her sistership “Matelot Louis Colet” has been baptized the 27th of February 2019 in the Maritime Harbour of Marseille. The opportunity to focus on this tailor-made design by MAURIC.
Fireboat Program of the "Bataillon of Marins-Pompiers de Marseille" (BMPM)
This program financed by the city of Marseille and the Bouches-du-Rhones’ department has the aim to replace older fireboats, “Lacydon” and “Louis Colet”, delivered respectively in 1964 and 1974. Unlike Lacydon which will be deconstructed, Louis Colet has been renovated in 2011, and is now in sales.
Smaller than the two older fireboats, Fireboat 240 is much more equipped, manoeuvrable and polyvalent. Thus, “Capitaine de Corvette Paul Brutus” is operated in the East Bay, as for “Matelot Louis Collet”, she is going to operate in the West Bay of Marseille.
MAURIC Fireboat 240: a multi-mission vessel
Built by SOCARENAM shipyard in Boulogne sur Mer and designed in collaboration with MAURIC, the two units of Fireboat 240 were delivered to the Bataillon des Marins Pompiers de Marseille (BMPM) to meet their increasing need for reliable and polyvalent tools for the population security.
MAURIC Fireboat 240 has an overall length of 24.9m, a width of 6.55m and a 1.85m draft allowing operations in the Marseille harbour and the coastal areas up to 20kts from the coastline and up to sea states 4/5. Equipped with two 8000 L/min @ 8 bars Fifi Monitors and one 3000 L/min @ 8 bars Fifi monitor, two 600 m3/h pumps @ 12 bars, the Capitaine de Corvette Paul Brutus and the Matelot Louis Colet are able to handle interventions on vessels on fire or even buildings and forests on fire in coastal areas. They are also designed for feeding ground fire vehicles and their secondary missions consist in interventions on pool fires, harbour equipment fires and recognition, assistance, towing, depollution, protection, and search and rescue missions.
Each unit can carry up to 16 persons on-board (3 crew, 10 persons for intervention and 3 persons for medical assistance), an important characteristic for search and rescue operations. Thanks to her excellent seakeeping, stability and manoeuvrability, Fireboat 240 represents a real asset for local and harbour authorities.